White paper


  • You or your contract can ask an arbitrary question and get an answer to it.
  • People who give the right answer make profits.
  • People who give the wrong answer make losses.
  • Gas costs are reasonably low, particularly for correcting false information.
  • Resolution is cheap and reasonably fast for the typical case.
  • Resource-intensive resolution processes are possible, and are funded by people who are wrong.
  • Dispute-resolution procedures can be chosen freely and switched in easily, whether centralized, distributed or experimental-game-theoretical.

Basic Process

  • You post a question to the askQuestion() function, specifiying:
    • The question text and terms. (See “Encoding questions” below.)
    • The timeout, which is how many seconds since the last answer the system will wait before finalizing on it.
    • The arbitrator, which is the address of a contract that will be able to intervene and decide the final answer, in return for a fee.
    • Optionally, an opening_ts, specifying the earliest it should be permitted to answer the question.
  • Anyone can post an answer by calling the submitAnswer() function. They must supply a bond with their answer.
  • Supplying an answer sets their answer as the “official” answer, and sets the clock ticking until the timeout elapses and system finalizes on that answer.
  • Anyone can supply either a different answer or the same answer again. Each time they must supply at least double the previous bond. Each new answer resets the timeout clock.
  • Prior to finalization, anyone can pay an arbitrator contract to make a final judgement. Doing this freezes the system until the arbitrator makes their judgement and sends a submitAnswerByArbitrator() transaction to the contract.
  • Once the timeout from the last answer has elapsed, the system considers it final.
  • Once finalized, anyone can run the claimWinnings() function to distribute the bounty and bonds to each owner’s balance, still held in the contract.
  • Users can call withdraw() to take ETH held in their balance out of the contract.

Incentive problems and mitigations

Large ETH holders getting rewarded over useful information providers

The system requires people to post useful information. It also requires people to spot bad information, and if necessary post fairly large bonds to beat the bonds posted by people posting bad information. These roles will not necessarily be played by the same people, and both should be rewarded.

To fulfill the second goal, we allow answers to be unoriginal. You can post an answer that someone else has given, and this will entitle you to the bounty (if nobody then posts something higher than you) and any bonds for wrong answers posted since the last person posted the same answer. However, when doing this you are required to pay the person who posted the previous answer some of your subsequent winnings. This payment is set at the equivalent of the bond posted by the previous answerer. The earlier answerer also collects any bonds from people who posted incorrect answers before their correct answer.

Example: Question with a bounty of 100, and no minimum bond:

  • Alice: A 1 [ Right, will be returned ]
  • Bob: B 2 [ Wrong, will go to Alice ]
  • Alice: A 4 [ Right, will be returned. Also entitles Alice to an additional payment of 4 ]
  • Bob: B 8 [ Wrong, will go to Charlie ]
  • Charlie: A 16 [ Right, will be returned, minus 4, which is paid to Alice, who gave this answer previously. ]
  • Dave: B 32 [ Wrong, will go to Charlie ]
  • Charlie: A 64 [ Right, will be returned ]


  • Alice: Returned bonds: 1 + 4, losers’ bonds: 2, Answer takeover fee + 4
  • Charlie: Returned bonds: 16 + 64, losers’ bonds: 8 + 32, answer takeover fee to Alice -4, question bounty + 100

Transaction front-running

As described above the system rewards answerers for being first with the right answer. However, in Ethereum, being the first to send information does not guarantee that you will be the first to get that information into the blockchain. Other users could listen for transactions sent by frequently reliable answerers, and get the same answer into the blockchain before them.

To allow users to prevent this, we allow answers to be supplied by a commit-and-reveal process. This replaces the single-step submitAnswer() with two transactions. The first transaction, submitAnswerCommitment(), provides a hash of the answer, combined with a nonce, and pays the bond. This takes their place in the answer history. The second transaction, the submitAnswerReveal(), provides the actual answer, and the nonce used to create the hash.

To give other users a chance to respond to their answer, the time allowed for the reveal is limited to 1/8 of the timeout. During this time, other users are free to post their own answers. However, these answers will be listed after the previous user’s commit, and if the commit turns out to have been the same as the answer they are submitting, they will have to share their rewards with them, as in the payout example above. Depending on the relative sizes of the question bounty and the answer bond, submitting an answer immediately after someone else has given the same answer may or may not be a profitable strategy.

The reveal will update the “current best” answer in the same way that a normal answer would have, unless a new answer has already been posted with a higher bond by the time the reveal comes, in which case the answer posted after the commit will stand.

In the event that the user fails to send the reveal transaction by the reveal deadline, the system will consider their answer incorrect, and they will lose their bond as if they had simply posted an incorrect answer.

Whether they use the commit-reveal process or not, there is always a possibility that someone will get an answer into the system ahead of you that you were not aware of when you sent it. Unless you have substantially increased the bond, this will cause your answer to be rejected. If you have substantially increased the bond, your transaction can either be accepted or rejected, according to a setting (minimum existing bond) made when you sent the transaction.

Network unavailability and congestion

Like other interactive protocols, this system relies on the blockchain being available. Users must be able to get transactions though to the blockchain to prevent incorrect answers from being accepted without challenge.

Users and contracts relying on the system for accurate information should bear possible network unavailability in mind when setting their Timeout parameter.

The system has been implemented with the goal of making it as cheap as practical to send answers that correct previous answers. The full answer history is not held in contract storage, so giving a new answer does not expand storage, which is a particularly expensive operation. Instead the contract stores only the hash of the latest answer in the history, combined with the hash of the previous answer in the history to establish an untamperable chain. Since the answer history is not held by the contract, it instead has to be supplied to the claimWinnings() transaction at the end of the process. The result is that although posting a question and giving the first answer both cost around 100,000 gas, posting the subsequent answer can be done for around 50,000 gas, a little over twice the cost of a simple ETH send.

In future it may be also useful to use an on-chain gas price oracle to detect conditions of low availability.

Gas exhaustion and bonds that are uneconomical to claim.

Unless specified by the creator of a question, the system does not force a minimum value on the size of any given bond. Although the doubling process puts a practical limit on the number of answers it may reasonably be expected to handle, there may still be a number of very small bonds submitted before the recoverable bonds reach the value of the gas required to recover them.

In theory the gas required to claim bonds for all the answers that have been supplied may exceed the Block Gas Limit.

This is handled by starting the claim process from the latest (highest-value) end, and allowing the claimer to stop before getting to the first answer in the series and leave bonds unclaimed. It also allows the claim to be split over multiple transactions, each leaving the contract with an earlier transaction history hash.

To make sure there is enough money left to pay for an answer that was taken over from another user, the claimer is not paid for transaction n until the system has seen transaction n-1. Since the bond always decreases as we follow the history backwards, it can safely pay out for n+1 and higher.

Spam and user cognitive exhaustion

As described above the system’s funding is a closed loop: Unless arbitration is involved, all funds sent to the contract by anonymous users can be claimed by other anonymous users. With the exception of gas fees, the cost of posting a question is recovered by the person who answers it correctly. This allows users to ask questions with high rewards and answer their own questions, potentially within the same transaction. User interfaces like the Reality.eth DApp are unable to tell the difference between a question to which someone genuinely wants an answer, and a question that someone intends to answer themselves, with the goal of promoting the visibility of some information, potentially at the cost of other questions competing for the user’s attention in the same UI. This can be not only a potential nuisance but also a security problem, because a malicious user could flood the system with correctly-answered questions to make it hard for honest users to find wrongly-answered questions.

When gas costs are high, the gas cost of asking a question and providing the first answer may be sufficient to deter the asking of questions for which an answer is not really wanted. However, if gas costs are low, it may be necessary to provide a “sink” so that not all the funds put in by anonymous users can be reclaimed. The amount of funds required for such a “sink” may vary depending on the ETH exchange rate and other external factors.

We handle this by allowing the arbitrator to set a per-question fee, which is subtracted from the value sent to the askQuestion() function. This also provides a potential income stream for the arbitrator in the events that disputes are rare, which they are likely to be if the system is functioning as intended. User interfaces can filter by arbitrator to avoid their users to avoid arbitrators with excessively low fees, or unknown arbitrators who may be controlled by they hypothetical malicious user.

NB The question fee is not charged if the user asking the question is the arbitrator contract. This is intended to provide additional flexibility to the arbitrator if it turns out to be required in future: By setting an impossibly high fee, they can require that instead of sending questions to the contract directly, they are proxied via the arbitrator. For example, an arbitrator may wish to implement a more flexible fee system, or limit the questions to which it is assigned to a whitelist.

Tricksy questions

Various strategies can be used to craft questions that the system will find difficult to answer. Questions can be phrased in deliberately confusing language, reference external data that is inconsistent or unavailable, be made deliberately self-contradictory or be based on incorrect premises. The system will also be bad at answering questions that have a wide range of plausible answers, as participants may be reluctant to correct a clearly incorrect answer for fear that the system will ultimately settle on a different correct one. This can be partly mitigated by arbitrator policies that specify how such questions should be handled. However, in general there is no way to avoid the need for participants to think about questions before choosing to participate in them, and avoiding participating in badly-phrased questions.

Structuring and fetching information

Encoding questions

Questions consist of a JSON string, like the following:
{"title": "Did Trump win the 2016 presidential election?", "type": "bool", "category": "politics"}

This text is not parsed or in any way understood by the contract. Its hash is stored in contract storage, while the text itself is written to the event logs. (Event logs are chosen here for the question plaintext over purely off-chain systems like IPFS to allow the contract to enforce the availability of the text.)

To avoid the need to send repeated data to the blockchain, the content is split into a reusable template, and parameters that will be interpolated into the template. Parameters are treated like sprintf arguments.

Multiple parameters can be assigned by delimiting with (\u241f), which is the Unicode unit separator character.

The following template is pre-created with ID 0:
{"title": "%s", "type": "bool", "category": "%s"}

The category parameter is optional, so a simple binary question can be created with the Template ID 0 and the question text as the single paramter.

If you want to create many similar requests, it will be more efficient to create your own template. For example, a flight insurance app might have:
{"title": "Was flight %s on date %s delayed by more than 3 hours?", "type": "bool", "category": "flight-information"}

A template can be created by calling createTemplate("template"), where “template” is the JSON template. This returns a numerical ID.

This can then by called with a string including only the flight number, the delimiter and the date, eg:

Encoding answers

The answer must be expressed in terms of bytes32 data. This may encode a number, a hash of some text, a number representing a selection specified in the JSON question definition, or boolean values for multiple options combined in a bitmask.

A contract consuming this data should be prepared to make the necessary type conversion, most typically by casting a bytes32 value into uint (for an unsigned number).

Information unavailability and “null” responses

The issue of at what point a question is decided, and in what ways it may be reported as undecided, is quite complex. Some uses require reporters to provide the best information available to them at the time, while others are not interested in an answer until it is reasonably clear. Many contracts will only be interested in a positive answer, eg an insurance contract might be interested in finding out when your house has burned down, but have no interest in the infinite number of occasions on which it did not burn down.

The handling of null, undecided or unclear answers is considered outside the scope of the system and left to the terms of each individual question. The terms of the question may designate a particular value or range of values to mean things like “undecided” or “uncertain”. They may also specify the level of certainty and/or finality that should be applied when evaluating the result at any given time.

There is no way to pause a question once it has been asked, so if the answer to a question at any given time is “null” or “undecided” or “too early to sensibly ask”, these values may be be settled on as the final result. Contracts consuming this data should be prepared to simply reject any answer they are not interested in, and wait for the same question to be asked again and get an answer in the range that does interest them.

After settlement Reality.eth will preserve information about the question hash, a, timeout, final bond, and finalization date, so consuming contracts can ask a user to send them a question ID, then verify that it meets the minimum conditions it requires to trust the information. It may also be useful to create a wrapper contract that will allow contracts to request an answer meeting its conditions, allowing consumer contracts to send a request and receive a callback, sent by an arbitrary user in return for a fee, on a similar model to the Ethereum Alarm Clock.

Arbitration mechanisms

When they post bonds, users are ultimately betting that, in the event that the bonds are escalated to a high level and arbitration is requested, the arbitrator will decide in their favour. Reality.eth does not solve the fundamental problem of getting true information on the blockchain (or at all); It instead passes the problem on to an arbitrator contract of the user’s choice. However, the system of escalating bonds should mean that the arbitration contract can use slow, expensive processes for arbitration, while preserving low costs and fast resolution times for the typical case, and passing the cost of arbitration onto “untruthful” participants.

An arbitrator can be any contract that exposes a public method getDisputeFee() telling users the fee it charges for a particular question, and the ability to call submitAnswerByArbitrator() against the Reality.eth contract to report the correct answer.

See Arbitrators for suggested arbitration models.